me: damn, i need to write an essay again.
that: yeah. I bet you are good in that.
me: damn you. @$Y%ERTHR%^^&$*$%@%@
You mean you have been snooping around my back to get all the juicy details to get back at me. wow, power of words, just because i wrote, "barista's hot gossip", you hovered? i wonder if i write, "ways of making fast money online" or "get skinny just like me in 2 weeks" or "how to write a good essay with no grammatical error" then i will get more hits than ever.
Gunting dalam lipatan;
ya kawan kawan dalam bahasa melayu pula. saya teringin pula nak menulis entri (oh tidak, entri in pinjaman dari bahasa inggeris, boleh digunakan atau tidak ya?) dalam bahasa melayu. iyalah, mengimbau zaman dahulu kala di mana semua pelajaran dalam bahasa melayu termasuk sains, jadi apabila mengambil program asasi, ternganga dengan pelbagai terma (terms, people) yang tidak pernah dijumpai.
entri ini sepatutnya panjang. tetapi banyak bahasa kesat yang tidak boleh digunakan. iya, tidak baik melibatkan emak seseorang bila tengah marah. ataupun binatang yang tidak kena mengena seperti babi.
jadi setelah mengestrak semua perkataan yang tidak patut dimuatkan. entri ini berhenti dengan mendadak seperti brek tangan yang tiba-tiba ditarik ketika kenderaan bergerak pantas pada kelajuan 160km/j. besar sungguh inertia yang dihadapi. saya berharap momentum perlanggaran lagi besar. :)
p/s: padan muka tajuk entri tiada kena mengena. iya, sebab nak buktikan bila hasad dengki menguasai diri or just a mere curiosity, it kills, membunuh diri juga.
Yes. That is what I planned to do. Here is THE plan to achieve the lean abs and thigh and fitter body within 2 weeks.
- [10 crunches + 10 sit ups + 10 squats + 10 lunges + 10 side crunch x 2 ] x 3
- run 1 km [ or you can go down to ground floor (assuming you stay in an apartment) and run up the stairs, ow yeah, i stay on 17th floor.
- work in Starbucks, you get to do all the above during peak hour. and some weight lifting during stocks arrival.
- Do not skip breakfast.
- Eat regularly ( low fat, low carb please.), at least 6 times a day to enhance metabolic system.
- Eat more green (doesnt include scenery, :P)
THE detox
I got this from the net saying that you can have the detox program on your own without burning a hole in your pocket.
For breakfast; Pick a type of fruit that you like; apple, orange, kiwi, grapes, melons. Pick one, and eat that until you are satisfied.
for Lunch; Pick a type of fruit that you like; apple, orange, kiwi, grapes, melons. Pick one, and eat that until you are satisfied. You can have nuts like almond, brazillian, macadamia as lunch too.
for dinner; Pick a type of fruit that you like; apple, orange, kiwi, grapes, melons. Pick one, and eat that until you are satisfied.
Yeah.. I know its kinda repetitive. You can vary your fruit according to daypart. like apple for breakfast, orange for lunch and watermelon for dinner. Do this for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks you can have a platter of salads already. :)
THE Cleansing
This part, i would just fo with prune juice cos you will excrete a lot. meaning that all "leftovers" at the colon wall will be dispose to. the "leftovers" can weigh up to 2 KG, so think of the extra baggage that you have been hauling around.
that is the most important part to have through out this whole entire program. And I failed that, yes, can laugh now.