Cacing pita adalah sejenis cacing yang menjadikan usus manusia sebagai tempat habitat yang dianggap sebagai syurga yang penuh dengan nutrien yang mencukupi. Usus pula adalah sebahagian daripada organ manusia yang burfungsi untuk memproses nutrien(makanan) menjadi bahan buangan (najis, taik, tahi, shit). Cacing pita mempunyai taktik ibarat gunting dalam lipatan. Kehadiran cacing pita selalunya hanya dapat dikesan apabila seseorang itu makan dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak (yang mungkin dipengaruhi hantu api yang tidak pernah merasa kenyang) tetapi mempunyai badan yang kurus tetapi buncit.
Manakala dalam bahasa Inggeris pula, PITA (bukan PETA) bermaksud pain in the ass. PITA ini pula membawa makna sama seperti gunting dalam lipatan.
There is one colleague of mine. HE, yes, a he is actually a PITA and a boot licker. He is eye-ing the managerial position in our place. So, basically he is really high on ass kissing mode. He talks bad about other "higher rankers". Well, I dont know what is his motive of doing so thought.
I mean, everyone is getting paid according to their responsibilities. If I hire you as a cleaner, I will be expecting you to do the cleaning, not the gardening. If you are getting the salary of an assistant manager, you are required to do your job as an assistant manager. I totally get it if you are not doing a barista's job. Even the employer are not willing to pay you the salary of two jobs right. If they do, I think you will be getting like what? 4k per month. I would love to take that job.
But some people just wont get it, they bitch about these higher rankers because they are not sweating their ass off doing extra jobs than they are required to. Why? Jealousy, I guess. And just the plain pleasure of watching the higher rankers in a deepshit relationship with each other. To create a drama that will create and opening for him to join in and offers help.
Isnt that smart? Ruining the hierarchy and making everyone fall.
Hey, I saw right through you. You choose to talk to those who are actually beneficial to you. You twist your stories to those who are in good relationship with the higher rankers. You tried so hard to be in a good relationship with them but you bitch about them behind their back. You rebel in your own way but when get caught, you point your fingers to others.
Whatever okay?! Im going to make sure you will never get whatever you ever wanted.
P/S: This sounds like full of anger and hatred. this was draft on saturday. Last saturday.