I went out with a few friends last night. It was a blast. I had fun dancing. lol. My friends thought that I have to be under alcohol influence to dance.
They say I was tipsy.. yeap!! TIPSY on the coca cola... I accidentally broke a glass when I was having fun with a friend named Monkeybeads. LOL..
Then there was Angel. Okay.. I maybe a teaser but then hey.. I was tipsy on the coke la.. I had what coke since in nirvana.. :)
I love going to school. And I had a great time.
(she havent called yet to tell me anything, she was so drunk.. ahaks.)
Penny’s first audition
Penny attended the Sound of Music audition yesterday. Back story is, a lot
of followers and friends sent me the audition notice calling for children.
I cas...
2 years ago